£218,000 awarded to 20 proposals in York through the Deciding Together Local Fund for York
Today is a day of celebration as the Deciding Together grants have been awarded.
Following 7 months of participatory co-design, three participatory panels and lots of care and compassion, we are delighted to share that 20 proposals have been awarded over £218,000.
Due to the flexibility of the fund, that was created by and for people in York, we have been able to fund everything from a £700 community project to improve outdoor space to a £60,000 three year whole system piece of work to engage the transgender community.
This fund is all about helping York better respond to people facing multiple issues including homelessness, addiction & recovery, mental health & wellbeing, poverty & offending by exploring and improving the systems that perpetuate multiple disadvantages in York.
Miles, one of the Deciding Together Panel members said:
“I love that local people are making local decisions on how a pot of money can benefit local communities. Together we are shifting the power of how community money is distributed. It is all about connection – the right people, doing the right things, to get the right support and it’s often the smallest things that make the biggest difference. I am a more enriched person being involved in the Panel, my engagement with the network gives a real sense of purpose and achievement. I give my time freely because what I see evolving is reward enough.”
Ali Spaul, at Two Ridings said:
“It’s been an honour to work with people in York with such wisdom, compassion and knowledge of their city. We have been able to run a truly participatory process, funding activity that is really important”
Other cohort members said:
“I loved being with people that despite these tough times are willing to dedicate their time and energy for the greater good of the community.”
“In recovery there is a saying, “keep doing the next right thing and all will be well”. In these past months we all just did exactly that.”
There were many applications we were unable to award given the amount of funding available and the focus of this fund. These people and organisations are doing brilliant work and we want to thank them for their time, efforts and involvement.
Projects funded listed below
Project Description – Summary | Amount Awarded |
Community led activity to improve the outdoor space for increased connection.
Adapting processes to effectively supporting people with dementia and other additional needs to be able to actively participate in activities.
Funding to bring together people around young people in a specific area.
Bringing people together to connect in a creative space to allow them to express their personality and feelings through drawing.
Funding to bring together partners from Council, charities and SME providers who support parents and 0-4 year olds to build better working relationships, explore collaborative working practices and share experiences, knowledge and ideas.
Funding to provide a range of engagement activities for people impacted by homelessness.
Funding will be used to run Musical Mindfulness sessions for children and young people to improve their mental health and wellbeing. These sessions will focus on musical instruments and musical technology.
Funding to address violence in our societies by providing training and support.
Space to connect with other people who work in the city in a comfortable “living room” space. Opportunity to connect across sector without heir achy and as people.
Bringing together Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic communities to build relationships and tell their stories whilst feeling liberated.
Funding to support a more collaborative way of working, particularly with those with lived experience, to ensure that the organisation can best support vulnerable people.
Funding to look at how support and services for women can be better improved and more a more holistic approach that empowers women.
Funding to support the development of a social enterprise that will build the skills of people who have challenges with addiction and offending.
Funding to work with young people who may be disadvantaged or marginalised to tell their stories.
Funding to look at how a collaborative approach may better support council tax recovery for people in arrears.
Funding to support system change and networking for access to Ecotherapy for people with complex needs.
Poverty Truth Commission. This will bring together people with lived experience of poverty with civic and business leaders to create safe spaces to listen and learn.
Funding to support a peer led recovery group to come together and influence wider system work.
Funding to engage the transgender community and the system the perpetuates disadvantage.
We will share the organisations involved as soon as we have the agreements in place.
To find out more, please contact Ali Spaul on 07979 895103 or [email protected].