Hull Emergency Community Response Fund
In response to recent events in Hull, Two Ridings Community Foundation have launched a fund to offer immediate support to community groups across the city.
We support small voluntary and community groups, small charities, and other types of not-for-profit organisations (e.g. CIC’s and CBS’s). You should have a turnover of under £500,000.
You can apply for work directly connected to responding to recent events.
For longer-term responses, we encourage groups to apply to the Hull Community Fund with a deadline of noon, 2 September 2024. Full details can be found here.
Please tell us…
How you will use the funds to respond to recent events in Hull.
Your project could be:
- Extended opening hours for Community Hubs (for example, for drop-ins),
- Enhanced safety measures to enable people to participate in their community,
- Convening conversations in response to recent events,
- Immediate cost of clean up and repairing damage to community property or assets.
For example, these might include:
- Taxis to support people to come to community groups or activity,
- Room hire for conversations, and support costs such as refreshments, or travel costs to attend,
- Convening planning conversations for longer-term community action and activity to reduce potential future negative community impact,
- Insurance excess relating to clean-up costs.
This list of ideas is not exhaustive, please do apply for your own ideas.
In recognition of the nature of the community response, successful funding awards can be retrospective and you can apply for costs incurred as of Saturday 3 August 2024. Work must be complete within 3 months of project start date.
If you have any ideas for other aspects of response we should be covering, please do get in touch with us.
Priority will be given to organisations that support those that are most disadvantaged. This could be because you are based in an area of disadvantage or because you work with a community disadvantaged for some other reason. We will give priority to work which addresses needs identified by local people.
Size of grants
You can apply for up to £2,500. We encourage you to apply for Full Cost Recovery. See our guide here: Full-Cost-Recovery
We cannot accept applications are are predominately for core costs.
Who can apply?
Applicants must:-
- Be either a small voluntary organisation, community group, small charity or other type of not-for-profit organisation provided that the purpose of the grant is wholly charitable (please see our FAQs for additional requirements for CIC’s and CBS’s),
- Have a governing document (also known as a constitution, rules, memorandum, or articles of association) in the name of their organisation outlining charitable objectives and with a charitable dissolution clause,
- Have a bank account in your group/ organisation’s name with at least two signatories, who are not related to one another,
- Have an annual income of under £500,000 per annum.
If you already have any grants or applications with us, you can still apply now to the Emergency Community Response Fund.
How to apply?
Before applying, please read the Emergency Community Response Guidance Notes 2024 for this grant scheme carefully.
Then follow the link below to apply.
Finally, attach your supporting documents to your application. Alternatively, you can email them to the office. Your application is only complete when we have received all your supporting documents.
Please note: If you are sending your supporting documents in the post, please can we ask that they are NOT stapled. Thank you so much!
When to apply?
Throughout August, you can apply at any time. We aim to give you a decision within two weeks. You should apply before 12.00 midday on 2 September 2024.
Please note: you can apply to this fund even if you hold other grants or have submitted other applications with us.
Apply Now