A Valentine connection for the Deciding Together Fund grant recipients

Twenty one York groups who were successful in getting funding from the Deciding Together Fund to develop systems change activity in York, convened for the first time together on Valentines Day 2022.

As well as the amazing work they are doing, we hope to increase connections across the city by bringing the funded groups together,  we hope to develop lasting and meaningful relationships and support for each other.

As it was Valentine’s Day there was only one way to get to know each other – Speed Dating!

Breaking into groups of three, each breakout group spent  6 minutes finding out what each other were working on, what everyone cared about and sharing who we are before rotating to meet more people. It wasn’t long enough to meet everyone so the group has developed a plan to have a shared document where people can share as much or as little with others, including their wider interests and offers of support for one another.

It was fun and the group collectively agreed that this was a useful space and wanted to continue to meet at least quarterly, initially more regularly then less as relationships develop, and people feel able to self-organise and collaborate.

The feedback from the Speed dating said it all!

Deciding Together Fund connection


A bit of background about the Deciding Together Local Fund for York

This new network of funded groups from the Deciding Together Local Fund for York evolved  following a year long co-designed Participatory process working with people with different experiences of Multiple Complex Needs in York that created the Grant Making model.

The aim of the Deciding Together Fund is to address systems that perpetuate disadvantage and marginalisation in York, with the purpose to develop lasting relationships that are supportive, heard, compassionate and challenge constructively.

The whole process was a collaboration, whereby everyone works together to enhance the Deciding Together funded programmes as a catalyst to connecting across our place, work and wider work in the city.

The fund and the cohort have shared values of Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, Co-Production and Joy.

Further details of the groups supported can be found in this blog:  218,000 given out to 20 projects to bring ground-breaking system change for people in York