Relieving poverty in Withernsea and beyond

Giving people a better quality of life
Kingstrust Network work with various partners in Withernsea to relieve poverty in their local area providing food, clothes, toys and other assistance through front-line partner charities.
They aim to help people have a better quality of life – a life that is stable and meaningful.
Kingstrust has been supporting the community of Withernsea for many years, their Community Care Hub being a lifeline for many of their beneficiaries. Relieving poverty in Withernsea and beyond
A space to be social
People come not only to browse items they need, they also sit down in a cosy area to chat with others, have a cup of tea and take part in some meaningful activity.
Kingstrust support a mix of young and old, who chat and share experiences, breaking through loneliness and isolation.
They provide food banks, toys to parents who otherwise wouldn’t be able to provide toys for their children, a safe space to talk, a cup of tea, a sympathetic ear and opportunities to share information.
There’s also free wifi, so people can browse the internet for job opportunities and receive support with this.
Here for the community
“The community of Withernsea and surrounding areas well-being as a whole will suffer beyond repair without help and support.
We are currently responding to around 60 families a day.”
Support Worker at Kingstrust
Responding to every day demands
As Covid restrictions continued, they saw a rise in mental health issues and loneliness, so the manager offered support out of hours to those in need. Local addicts were also supported with care packages where needed.
Funding was needed to cover essential running costs: rent, heat, electric, telephone, etc. until the end of the current crisis and until they could resume normal operation.
The grant would ensure that they were able to keep responding to everyday demands and meet immediate needs like food supplies for the elderly and vulnerable and fuel for the drivers distributing various items.
Many beneficiaries were self isolating or shielding. They needed food and other essentials delivered directly to them.
Whilst concentrating on Withernsea, Kingstrust also help families in Partington and Hedon areas. These are among the most deprived areas in the East Riding with many people living in poverty, which has been made worse by the coronavirus restrictions.
The area relies on seasonal tourism and has been badly hit.
Supporting a whole community
Kingstrust support around 3500 beneficiaries – 50% of the population – and even though they know the area well, they have been struck by the sheer numbers of people needing help.
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