Heart of Yorkshire Fund for the Selby District

Heart of Yorkshire fund logo

The Heart of Yorkshire Fund for the Selby District, was established by a £2million donation from Selby District Council, invested as an endowment fund with Two Ridings Community Foundation. The annual interest from this endowment will be awarded in grants to support local people to deliver activities in their community, year on year, forever

This fund provides the local community with a lasting legacy: supporting local charitable activity in the former Selby District in a way that meets the identified needs in the area. Since the fund was established, Selby District Council has become part of North Yorkshire Council.

Fund priorities

This fund supports groups providing activity for the wellbeing of people in the Selby area (please see the map below). Organisations should clearing demonstrate how they are addressing local need in at least one of the following areas:

Health and wellbeing

  • support older and vulnerable people to live dignified, productive and healthy lifestyles
  • support children and young people to access and enjoy healthy lifestyles (this could be physical activity, access to the outdoors, improving their mental wellbeing)
  • improve mental health and wellbeing.

Education and Training

  • develop employability skills.
  • provide volunteering opportunities.


  • increased biodiversity
  • support environmental improvements

Community Sector Resilience

  • community spaces providing significant community value requiring funding to stay open.

We are also particularly interested in applications where people with lived experience (experts by experience) of the issues being addressed are involved with the design of the project and/or the running of the organisation / delivering the project.


What grants can be used for

You can apply for either an activity grant (up to £5,000) to help address a gap in provision or an Organisational Development grant (up to £10,000).

The Heart of Yorkshire Fund is committed to the principle of full cost recovery to ensure that groups are supported with ongoing sustainability. As part of your application you can request a contribution towards core overhead costs (e.g. rent/ heating/ lighting etc). For further information about full cost recovery please see our guide.

Small capital items may be included as part of a bid but should not make up more than 20% of what you are applying for.

The fund may support larger capital costs for community venues with a maximum award of 50% of the total project costs (i.e if your repairs equal £10,000 you can apply for up to £5,000 maximum). These will be prioritised based on supporting the applying venues to stay open.

Applying for an Organisational Development grant?

An Organisational Development grant is to strengthen groups and organisations through making a necessary developmental ‘step change’ needed to become more stable and resilient. Organisational Development focuses on supporting groups towards sustainability through improving capability and / or capacity. You can use this funding to create or make changes to your strategy, structure or processes for an entire system, your overall organisation, an area of work or a specific role or job. For example, maybe you need your rental costs covering for six months whilst you work on establishing new income to cover future rent. Perhaps you would like to train your staff or volunteers so that they are better equipped. Or you recognise the need for increasing your administration hours to review policies and procedures. Examples of what the fund can support are below (this list is not exhaustive):

  • Business planning and development
  • Developing governance and leadership (e.g. charity registration or registration as a form of social enterprise)
  • Developing monitoring and learning
  • Fundraising planning and development (note – we cannot fund commission-based work)
  • Increasing leadership capacity to support collaboration and partnership working
  • Marketing and communications
  • Piloting a project that could create a new revenue stream
  • Purchasing software to support your organisation
  • Staff, key volunteer and trustee training
  • Testing new ways of working
  • Small capital costs (small capital items can form part of the budget but should not make up more than 20% of the amount applied for)

Applying for an Activity grant?

You can apply for direct activity / project costs and pilot projects. Grants can fund 100% of the activity costs or can be part of a combination of funding to meet the full amount needed, however it is unlikely that priority will be given to projects where the grant award would represent less than 20% of the total project cost. If you are applying for a percentage of the total costs, please tell us what other funding has been secured or how you will secure the remaining funds.

Some examples of what an Activity grant can support are below (this list is not exhaustive):

  • Befriending schemes
  • Activities to bring people together
  • Information, advice and guidance
  • Sporting activity
  • Transition work for children going from primary school to secondary school
  • Counselling and peer support groups
  • Peer support groups
  • Volunteer recruitment and training
  • In Bloom groups

Size of grants

You can apply for up to £5,000 (Activity grants) or £10,000 (Organisational Development grant).

Who can apply?

Heart of Yorkshire grants are targeted at organisations with a turnover under £500,000 with charitable aims where a small amount of money can make a significant difference. You can apply if you are based in or serving the residents of the former Selby district.

In the event of this fund receiving more applications than we have monies to support, the decision-making panel may prioritise organisations / groups with:

  • a turnover below £250,000
  • low reserves (under 6 months)
  • ongoing projects that demonstrate deep community impact with a good track record.

If you currently have a Heart of Yorkshire Fund grant, you can only apply for the Organisation Development strand below. You cannot apply for an activity grant.

All groups should meet our general eligibility criteria which can be found here: https://www.tworidingscf.org.uk/how-to-apply

 Groups must:

  • Be based in and/or working in the Selby area shown
  • Be ‘not for profit’. Please note, we have additional requirements when considering a request from a CIC or Community Benefit Society (CBS)
    CIC additional requirements
    – CBS additional requirements
  • Have a governing document (also known as a constitution, rules, memorandum, or articles of association) outlining charitable objectives and with a charitable dissolution clause.
  • Have a bank account in your group/ organisation’s name with at least two signatories, who are not related to one another.
  • Have at least three unrelated trustees, directors or management committee members.
  • Have an annual income of under £500,000 based on current forecast annual income.

How to apply?

  1. Ensure you meet all the eligibility and fund criteria above and that the fund is currently accepting applications.
  2. Complete the online application form. A link to this is found on the Heart of Yorkshire Fund page of the Two Ridings website. The online application process is straightforward and provides an option to save your application as you go so you can dip in and out of the application before you submit it. If required a paper version of the application form is available on request.
  3. Attach your supporting documents (listed below) to the online application or if you have requested a paper version of the application form, please send the complete form along with copies of your supporting documents to: Two Ridings Community Foundation, Pavilion 2000, Amy Johnson Way, YO30 4XT.
  • The organisation’s constitution/governing document/set of rules
  • Contact details (address, email & phone number) of your management committee / trustees / directors.
  • The organisations most recent annual accounts or financial records that show your organisation’s balance of funds, income and expenditure. If you do not have financial records that cover a full year then you will need to provide a set of management accounts.
  • A safeguarding policy if your organisation works directly with children or vulnerable adults.

Applications will only be processed when all documentation has been received.

If you do not have all these documents, please do get in touch, we may still be able to consider your application or signpost you to further support.

  • If your application is successful, you must provide a copy of a Bank Statement (dated within the last three months) or Paying In slip in the name of the organisation applying. We can not accept transaction lists or screenshots of transactions. Click here for some guidance on your bank statement.

After reading the Guidance if you are still unsure, please contact the Grants Team. We will be happy to help.

You can download a Word version of these Guidance Notes here.

When to apply?

Applications opened on 9th December 2024. Deadline – noon, Monday 17th February 2025


Apply here: Activity grants Apply here: Organisational Development grants

Areas covered