Endowment Fundholders

Alderman Jackson Fund

Community First Prime Opportunities Fund

Community First Whitby and Scarborough Fund

E & M Bousfield Fund

The Gilberdyke Fund

GRE Richard Weare Fund

Hanson 5 Fund

Harrry Bolland Fund

Heart of Yorkshire Fund for the Selby District

John and Carole Mortimer Fund

LDJ Design & Display Fund

Lyn & Trevor Shears Fund

Lyn & Trevor Shears Fund for Harrogate District

The LOCAL FUND for the Harrogate District

McInroy and Wood Fund

Moss Family Fund

North Yorkshire Community Fund

North Yorkshire Reward Fund

NY Pioneers Fund

Paula James Fund

Postgate’s Fund

Presence Church Harrogate Fund

Red and White Fund

Rusholme Wind Farm Community Fund

The Whitby Fund

Walk in my Shoes Fund

York Children & Young People’s Fund

York Women & Girls Fund

Yorkshire Coast Fund for Borough of Scarborough

Yorkshire Forces Families & Veterans Support Fund

Yorkshire Oaks Fund

Revenue Fundholders

Allerton Landscape & Cultural Heritage Fund

Anna Maria Fund

Arts Council England Let’s Create Fund

Arqiva Bilsdale Recovery Fund

Arts for Change Fund

Bettys and Taylors Group Fund

Bettys Trees For Life

Bettys and Taylors Family Fund

BSA Ideas Fund

Building Forward Together

Catalyst Fund

Coastal Road


Coronavirus Liz & Terry Bramall Fund

Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust Fund

Coronavirus Joseph Rowntree Foundation Fund

Duchy of Lancaster Fund

Disaster and Recovery Fund

Dulverton Fund

Dragons’ Den Fund

East Yorkshire Recovery Fund

East Riding Crime Reduction Fund

Fraisthorpe Wind Farm Community Fund

Full Circle Fund

Future Communities Initiative

George Toplis Fund

GVC Fund

Harrogate District Street Aid

North Yorkshire High Sheriff’s Fund

HCV NHS App Engagement

HCV Springboard Programme

Humber Coast & Vale VCSE Programme

In-site Property Solutions Fund

The Coastal Road Fund

JPG Naylor Fund

Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust Step Change Fund

Knabs Ridge Wind Farm Community Fund

Lankelly Chase Build Back Better Fund

Lankelly Chase Deciding Together Fund

Lord Mayor of York’s Charity Fund

Made By Sport Fund

Mohn Westlake Fund

MHCLG Flood Resilience Fund

Nimbuscare Community Fund

North Yorkshire Recovery Fund

Swaledale and Wensleydale Flood Recovery Fund

Peter Sowerby Foundation Fund

Peter Sowerby Foundation Coronavirus

Reboot North Yorkshire

Richard Weare Fund

Rita Hunt Fund

Rusholme Windfarm Community Benefit Fund

Scarborough Children and Young People Fund

Sixpenny Wood Wind Farm Community Fund

Stokesley & Great Ayton Fund

Stubbs Family Fund

Surviving Winter Fund

Tadcaster Business Flood Fund

The LOCAL FUND for the Harrogate District

The LOCAL FUND Harrogate District Lottery

The National Lottery Community Fund Flood Support

Harrogate Borough Council Small Grants

Two Ridings Small Grants

Women & Girls Fund

The Wrigley Fund

Cost of Living Fund

York Street Aid

York Street Aid Development

York Flood Appeal

Yorkshire Coast Catalyst

Zero Hunger

#I Will (Youth Social Action) Fund

Want to support local people
and make a difference?

Call Celia on 07519 485103
Email [email protected]